Hargreaves Services plc is a diversified group delivering services to the Environmental, Industrial and Property sectors.
Listed on AIM (LON:HSP) and headquartered near Durham, our 1,250+ employees are spread around the world delivering various projects and services to a range of different industries. The Group is a market leader of a wide range of environmental and industrial services across the UK, South East Asia and in South Africa.
Hargreaves Specialist Waste provide a range of services from tyre processing and bulk placement of waste streams to total waste management where we integrate ourselves into businesses that require a partnership for all waste activities, not just collections.
Although not limited to, today we are aiming to showcase our capabilities in the end of life tyre market and would be very interested in talking to companies to tell them more about how end of life tyres are handled in the UK, how we process them and what end of waste options are available.
Hargreaves have a joint venture with 3 end of life tyre processing facilities in the UK with the view to extend the number of these sites in the near future. As part of this arrangement, Hargreaves offer their coal customer relationships as sources for offtakers of our alternative fuel to coal, tyre derived fuel (TDF).
If you wish to hear more, please come to stand A5. We would love to see new or existing connections in the sector!
West TerraceEsh Winning
United Kingdom